”Auran tsempillä on kyllä mieletön vaikutus. Eipä ole tarvinnut katua!” Sini Vilja, O-P Pohjola, Tampere

”Money well spent!” Cindy Collier, Dean of Nursing, Bakersfield College, CA

"DISC-testin läpikäyminen Auran kanssa on todella silmät avaava prosessi. Tottakai on hienoa saada palautetta omista vahvuuksistaan, mutta myöskin
kannustavassa hengessä kohdata ne asiat, missä on kehitettävää omalla urallaan. Auran valmennuksessa saa toimivia käytännön vinkkejä miten
kommunikointi ja työskentely sujuu paremmin tiimeissä erilaisten persoonallisuustyyppien kanssa. Auran valmennus on syvästi ammattitaitoista ja mikä
tärkeintä - innostavaa!" Satu Tunkelo, FM, Helsinki

”Riittää, että olet paras versio itsestäsi. Jos sinusta tuntuu, että jokin asia voisi olla paremmin, otetaan yhdessä selvää miten se saadaan onnistumaan.”
Aura Marttinen

Web design & images by Susa Dosa - All right reserved
"Aura on kannustava valmentaja, joka auttoi minua. Hänen tehokkaiden neuvojen avulla sain tehtyä urallani tärkeitä ratkaisuja."
  Evita Husu, Ammatillinen opettaja, Vantaan ammattiopisto Varia

"I was introduced to Aura and DISC after my sister recommended her services to me. After reading my results, I immediately noticed that my personal DISC report was an accurate representation of my strengths and weaknesses and of how I wanted to be regarded within my company. In addition, Aura provided a detailed explanation of how to interpret my results, of how to improve in certain areas, and of how to communicate my thoughts better. I highly recommend this for anyone who would like the opportunity enrich their career and to view themselves as an employer might." Yvonne Choi, Manager, aircraft financing, Los Angeles

"Aura is a very personable and supportive coach. You will always feel uplifted after a conversation with her and she gives great career and life guidance."
Jenny Ekholm, Ph.D, Field application scientist, Porvoo

"Aura's positive energy is infectious. She is able to motivate and coach any team to produce top results. I have greatly benefited from her coaching abilities on my career path." Hilkka Muro, Senior Business Consultant, OHCAL Foods LLC

"Aura on asiantunteva kouluttaja, jonka valoisuus ja energisyys sekä tarttuvat että inspiroivat." Kirsi Lee, tulkki, Rajavartiolaitois, Vantaa.
"I can’t thank Aura enough for all that she has enabled me to do! Aura has been instrumental in my career development. When I wanted to take my professional life to the next level, Aura’s skillful coaching enabled me to achieve my goals. With incredible speed and knowhow, Aura zeroed in on my unique skills and attributes and allowed me to see myself in the best possible light and also be able to articulate it all in a job  interview scenario.  I would not hesitate to recommend her services to anyone looking to excel professionally. "
Kathryn Laine, Clinical Customer Management Coordinator, MR Therapy,  Philips Healthcare, Vantaa, Finland